How to cook the PERFECT STEAK!

What is the Secret to Perfectly Cooked Steaks: 

You might not realize there are a few ways to cook a perfect steak. If anyone knows me and/or my husband, they know we know butter is the magic ingredient. And it's not hard to nail these pro tips. So after you buy your $100 steaks and before you start the grill, read this first:

My cut of choice is a New York Boneless Strip Steak or Ribeye. I don’t care about the length of drying age or any of the other frills. I’m just looking for a well marbled piece that is about an inch to an inch and a half thick. Ribeyes are larger than strip steaks and therefore can feed more people. They also tend to be slightly fattier = juicier. AND pro tip: DON’T USE THE GRILL. I’m not a fan of grilling steaks. You lose a lot of flavor and rich juiciness over the fire.

Read on if you want that rich, steakhouse-level crust and a depth of flavor that makes you say, “damn this is so good!” Real quick: You’ll need Fireworks Chefs Butter Bursts. 2 for a 4 serving meal.

Why Butter is a Steak’s Best Friend

When you cook steak, heat causes the Maillard reaction—the fancy name for the browning process that creates those mouthwatering flavors. Butter accelerates this process, adding a silky texture and an extra layer of richness.

Infused butter takes it up a notch. Instead of just melting plain butter onto your steak, imagine a Garlic Butter Burst seeping into every bite or a touch of Black Truffle Butter adding an umami kick. 

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Cooking a steak is simple, but greatness is in the details. And the right butter? That’s the game-changer. Whether you’re pan-searing, or reverse-searing in the oven, Fireworks Chefs Butters help you create steakhouse magic—in your own home. Make sure you let the butter and steaks sit at room temperature for a good 20 minutes before starting.

Want to cook your steak like a chef? Here’s TWO different methods:

Pan Sear Method for medium rare:

  1. Heat broiler to  500° Arrange oven racks so the highest is the middle one. Next, get your cast-iron skillet screaming hot—this helps develop that crave-worthy crust. Season both sides of your steak with salt and pepper.

  2. Sear in Oil First. High-heat oils (like avocado or grapeseed) prevent burning before butter enters the party. Cook for 4-5 minutes a side to develop a deep golden crust.

  3. Add Butter & Aromatics. Once you flip the steak, add half a Butter Burst (about 1 TBS), some smashed garlic, and fresh herbs- the aromatics are nice to have (not imperative)

  4. Tilt & Baste. Spoon the melted, infused goodness over the steak for the last minute or two of cooking. (This is the secret to that glossy, chef-level finish.) Cook to 125° then transfer to finish under the broiler, on the middle rack about 8-10 inches from the heating element, this should prevent any fires from sputtering rendered fats. Broil for 5 minutes, watching carefully for burning. Remove when steaks are 135°.

  5. Rest & Enjoy. Let your steak sit for at least 5 minutes before slicing—so all that buttery goodness stays inside instead of running onto your plate.

  6. Use the leftover butter burst at the table to smear on every few bites.

Reverse Sear Prep for medium rare:

  1. Heat oven to 350°. Let steaks and butter get to room temp before cooking.

  2. Season steak with salt and pepper front and back sides and place on a baking rack over a rimmed sheet pan. 

  3. When oven is heated, place steaks in oven until the internal temperature reaches 110°

  4. While steaks bake, heat a large skillet to VERY hot. When steaks reach 110°, place in the skillet with half the butter burst and sear each side until internal temp reaches 135°. Take off heat, cover with foil and rest 5-10 minutes. 

  5. Serve by slathering the remaining Fireworks Chefs Butter burst on your perfectly prepared steak.

🔥 Pro Tip: Pair with our Smoky Chipotle Tomato Butter for a smokey, tomatoey twist that makes steak night unforgettable.